
1 North Sea Energy Hubs Cluster

North Sea Energy Hubs Cluster

identifies, selects and assesses development scenarios and technology needs for offshore energy hubs. For these hubs individual and combined strategic development plans (blueprints) will be designed. Detailed techno-economic (TE) assessments are executed for central and decentral offshore hydrogen production options, offshore energy storage concepts, and hydrogen admixing in offshore systems (as part of the technical innovations work stream in this WP).

NSE Hubs cluster
Rapid system integration requires a strategic plan per hub

Interaction with other work packages

  • There is a close relationship with work package 5 that develops the IT toolbox that is necessary to adopt (if needed) the ESDL data repository and develop the designs of the offshore hubs. WP 1 will populate the ESDL repository with asset data and will apply the toolbox to optimize the design on asset and hub level and simulate energy flows for hub configurations.
  • Technologies and offshore marine energy technologies including wind, solar, wave, tidal options will be defined in an ESDL data repository.
  • The ecological (environmental) impact of the technologies applied in the designs of the hubs will be studied in the Ecology work package 4 that aims to make the designs nature inclusive.
  • WP 1 contributes to specific thematic research in work packages 2, 3, 4 and 6.